Welcome to the sisters of Grandchamp!

The community of Grandchamp is a monastic community and brings together sisters from different churches and various countries. Our ecumenical vocation commits us on the path of reconciliation among Christians and within the human family, and to respect the whole of creation.

Three pillars support our life together:

A Life of Prayer

Our prayer, poor as it is, is a participation in the praise of the communion of saints in heaven and on earth, in the very prayer and intercession of Christ.

Life together

…is to live a parable of communion: in joy, simplicity and mercy, as in a dance, always moving towards.


“Come apart and rest awhile…”

Prier en communion avec nous

Prière commune :
7h15 – 12h15 – 18h30 – 20h30

Eucharistie :
7h30 dimanche et 18h30 jeudi


« Entrée dans le Carême : en route vers Pâques »
Vivre le Mercredi des Cendres avec la Communauté

Soirée de Lectio Divina avec une soeur
de 20h00 à 21h30

« Introduction à la prière contemplative »

Retraite à partir du bibliologue

The Community of Grandchamp

Who are we?

Sonnenhof – Haus der Stille

Our house in Gelterkinden

Where is your treasure?

Grandchamp Newsletter 2023

Coming to Grandchamp

As an individual guest

for a few days of silence with the possibility to be accompanied by one of the sisters

For a retreat

proposed by the community according to the annual program

With a group

who have their own programme and want to live it in the setting offered by the Community

For a time as a Volunteer

to share the community’s life of prayer and work for a time

Or share you time and talents

by helping us with practical needs

Pray and work that God may reign

Throughout your day,
Let the Word of God breathe life into work and rest.
Maintain inner silence in all things
so as to dwell in Christ.
Be filled with the spirit of the beatitudes,
joy, simplicity, mercy.