As an individual guest
for a few days of silence with the possibility to be accompanied by one of the sisters

For women or men who would like to come away for one or more days, or take a break from their daily routine, we offer a place of prayer, of silence, and inner renewal. A sister will be designated to accompany each guest. She will introduce you to our facilities, to the rhythm of common prayer (four times each day), and meals, which are taken in silence together with the community. If you wish, she will available to listen, provide spiritual accompaniment, or plan individual retreat experience.
If you are joining us for the first time, we suggest that you plan to stay for two or three days.
The single rooms (for the most part) are simple. If possible we invite you to bring a sheet, a blanket and towels. Otherwise it is possible to rent them to the community.
To take part in a retreat
proposed by the community according to the annual program

You will find more information and a brief description of our upcoming retreats in the programme.
With a group
who have their own programme and want to live it in the setting offered by the Community

We welcome groups who wish to meet, reflect, and pray together with their own leadership within the setting of our monastery. We welcome you to join us for common prayer and for meals shared in silence. Individual guest rooms are simply furnished. A sister will be designated to welcome your group. She will provide any practical information needed during your stay and respond to any questions you might have concerning the community. If your group would like a sister to contribute in other ways to your program, please be sure let us know in advance. We also welcome groups who would like to take part in the prayer of the community or to meet with one or more sisters (shorter visits).Further information for groups:
- Number of Participants: Please let us the number of people on your group when you book your visit. In general, we can accommodate groups of 10 to 15 persons for overnight stays; exceptionally, groups of 18 to 20. This varies according to the needs of each group and the availability of guest rooms.
- Advance Notice: We require a complete list of participants (names, age, indication of special needs for diet, ground floor rooms, etc.) no later than 3 weeks before the arrival of your group.
- What to Bring: If possible, bring your own sheets, pillow case, duvet cover, and towels. If this is not possible, you can borrow these supplies from the community for the modest cost of 10 CHF per person.
- Suggested Cost: 70-90 CHF per person, per night (full pension – includes all meals). It is possible to pay in Euros.
In the Case of Cancellation: If your plans change, please advise us as soon as possible. Should you cancel within 4 weeks of your scheduled arrival, we kindly request the courtesy of a compensatory deposit, with thanks for your understanding.
Groups Joining us for a Brief Visit: We can welcome groups of up to 40 to 50 people for short visits. We would be grateful for a modest financial contribution. The amount is left to your discretion.
This is also possible
Join us for a time as a Volunteer
to share the community’s life of prayer and work for a time

By becoming a volunteer at Grandchamp, you will have an opportunity to share in the community’s daily life of prayer and work, according to the monastic tradition. Times of silence and a certain solitude are important dimensions of this experience.
We offer this same rhythm to the volunteer group, with sharing with the group and solitude that allow time for reflection on personal questions, making space to deepen the search for and relationship with God.
Throughout their stay, each volunteer meets about once a week with a sister who listens to them and accompanies them on their personal journey. Each week the group of volunteers meets with a sister for a meal together – the other meals are taken together with the guests and the community – volunteers also meet to share around a biblical, spiritual or liturgical theme.
Volunteers are mainly women and men between 18 and 40 years old. But there are exceptions. People over 40 may also come as volunteers; they follow the same rhythm of work and personal accompaniment, with some adjustments with regard to the group.
For a first experience of volunteering a minimum stay of three or four weeks is recommended. Volunteers may stay several months or even a year, in which case, there is a review at the end of the first month to discern if a prolonged stay is good for all concerned.
Volunteers work 24 hours a week – usually two full days and four half days: 9.00am to 12.00 noon and/or 3.00pm to 6.00pm, or if need be 6 mornings and 1 hour each afternoon – doing house work or kitchen or garden work. To this is added helping after meals with the dishes. Sundays (in theory) are rest days.
The community provides lodging (in an individual room) and full board. The volunteer requires health insurance. Volunteers are also responsible for their own needs in toiletries, stamps, snacks etc…
If this offer interests you, do not hesitate to contact us and introduce yourself and let us know why you feel drawn to such a stay, or to ask for more information.
E-mail :
Share your time and talents
by helping us with practical needs

Currently there are several forms of volunteering, for example:
- 1 morning a week helps with cooking
- 1 afternoon a week help in the garden
- 2 days a week help in house cleaning and garden …
- 1 time per month a project for the maintenance (conciergerie) of the houses
- On-call availability for an urgent need
Are you interested? If yes, please contact us
E-mail :