Life of Prayer

« My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations »

“A life of prayer is something more than just prayer. Only Christ truly lived a life of prayer, and only Christ within us can grant us the extraordinary grace of a life of prayer. His presence within can lead us along the path, step by step. In him this life is none other than true harmony with the Father, who is nothing but listening, love, and gift. A community of prayer is a place where the glory of God is revealed as a life-giving power, where the fullness of revelation is contemplated. A community of prayer is made up of witnesses to the resurrection. Christ has visited, nourished, and forgiven them.”
Mère Geneviève Micheli

Common prayer
7.15 am – 12.15 pm – 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm

Sunday 7.30 am and Thursday 6.30 pm

Prayer is at the centre of our life: common and personal prayer, meditation on the Word of God, Eucharist, spiritual reading, retreat days, “desert” times, and moments of solitude. At Grandchamp and at the Sonnenhof we gather four times each day for common praise. These offices are open to all those who wish to take part. Our whole life finds its source and meaning in the mystery of Easter, the paschal mystery renewed each time we celebrate the Eucharist. From there we draw our strength and hope. In the Eucharist we recall the victory of Love over evil and death. We offer to the tenderness of the Father all that we bear of the world’s suffering and that of the Church.

Pray in communion with us (live broadcast)

Here you can follow live our common prayer according to the times below (CET):

Common prayer
7.15 am – 12.15 pm – 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm

Sunday 7.30 am and Thursday 6.30 pm

Changements et fêtes

5 mars - mercredi des Cendres, début du Carême
7h15 eucharistie avec l'imposition des cendres
12h15 prière de midi
19h15 prière du soir avec l'onction d'huile
pas de complies

lundi 10 mars
20h00 prière autour de la croix

Pendant le temps de Carême – complies aussi le dimanche soir, vers 21h

Here you can send us a request for intercessory prayers


Nous avons la joie d’annoncer la parution du livre « Louange des jours à Grandchamp – Temps de l’Avent, Temps de Noël ».


Ce deuxième volume de la « Louange des jours à Grandchamp » rassemble la prière liturgique du temps de l’Avent et de Noël. Il fait suite au premier volume qui comprend la liturgie du Temps de l’Église et du Pré-Avent, ainsi qu’une introduction générale à la liturgie.

The Liturgy

The liturgy is enriched, brought to life and confirmed by our relationships, our work, the quality of our hospitality, our everyday life and by all we experience elsewhere. So liturgy cannot be static, it is life!

The community gathers for prayer at least four times a day beginning at the end of the day with evening prayer, followed by compline to take us into the night, then by morning and midday praise. Our liturgy is rooted in that of the early Church and the Jewish tradition. Our faith life and spirituality are nourished by our common prayer and culminate in the celebration of the Eucharist.

Common prayer and personal prayer are like our two lungs, and the Eucharist is the heart of the body that we form in Christ.

The liturgical cycle shines light on a way based on the 8 stages of the life of Christ.It creates a concrete link between the times of the day, of the year, and the important events in the life of Christ, the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12) and the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5, 22-23).
The liturgical year consists of the cycle of the Incarnation with the times of Advent and Christmas and the cycle of Redemption with the times of Lent, Holy week and the Easter period, culminating in the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, before the ‘Ordinary time’ of the Church when the breath of the Holy Spirit is at work, wanting to make disciples of all people of all times to be witnesses, people of communion, who will tirelessly work the earth of humanity, opening sometimes unexpected paths, until the coming of the new heavens and new earth.
Liturgical cycle from Schwester Vera von Trott, Kommunität Imshausen.

Meditation texts

Sister Minke – The Way of the Cross

Sister Minke – The Way of the Cross

Meditations and prayers prepared by sister Minke and presented to Pope John Paul II for the celebration of the Stations of the Cross in the Colloseum, Rome, Italy, on Good Friday, 14 April 1995.

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